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  1. C

    [v18] Barber not changing Worgen Druid forms

    [Location, Faction, Race] Stormwind Barbershop, Alliance, Female Worgen Druid [Name, Type] Changing appearance of Druid forms [Problem Description] Changing the character's human hair colour has no effect on Druid form colours [How it should work] When you go to the barbershop and change the...
  2. C

    Tracking multiple resources (v5)

    Hello! I found a bug in v5 which may or may not have been fixed already for v6/6.1. [Name, Type] As a Miner / Herbalist using the minimap's Find Minerals / Find Herbs at the same time [What it does] Both of them can technically be checked at once but it only tracks the resource you checked...