Hello everyone. I will not deviate too much from the main subject. I am student and my country offers low posibilities to work in I.T domain while being a student and I want to make little money for now till I finish my other projects where I'm working for my personal development. I am in World...
Facebook Link: https://(fb link removed to possible scam)catalystwowserver/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdC1bQjTW5eWKWg9z64s3w?disable_polymer=true
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Catalyst_WoW
Skype: wowb-zone or darkdevid961
Hi everyone. I'm Flameshot and I'm here to release "Flameshot Blizzlike Repack Version 2.0". For who doesn't know, I'm working to improove "TrinityCore 3.3.5a" by scripting as much as possible each patch content, from 1.12.1 to 2.4.3 and at last 3.3.5a. I worked so much at "Version 1", and I...
Hi guys. I worked yesterday to upgrade and improove an old Arena Spectate script and I made it working with last TrinityCore Commit and I'm here to release it.
If you want to manually import check here: Github Repository
If you want the ".patch" file download it from here: Patch File...
Hi everyone.I am releasing to you the core that B-Zone WoW 3.3.5a used in repack.Even if I closed the server I continued to develop it, scripting and fixing quest/dungeons/raids etc.I hope that you will like my work and help me finding more bugs to fix.
01.12.2014 - Released the V2.0 of...