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  1. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Undying new pages
  2. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Undying The Undying is a modern, stylish fantasy World of Warcraft theme that has a sleek, dark design with gold and bronze accents. Header The overall design is minimalistic, with a focus on functionality and easy navigation, ensuring that users can quickly access important sections of the...
  3. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    PayPal donation module Maximum security and stability Security matters when it comes to financials, PayPal donation module is a brand new module built from scratch to fulfill all your needs. Lesser requirements You don't have a business account? Don't worry, we will cover that for...
  4. Darksiders

    [RELEASE] Heaven theme

    Heaven: WotLK variation DOWNLOAD: (please make sure to read README.MD)
  5. Darksiders

    [RELEASE] Heaven theme

    Heaven: Legion variation DOWNLOAD: (please make sure to read README.MD)
  6. Darksiders

    [RELEASE] Heaven theme

    Don't hesitate to DM in discord, I assist you to resolve your problem. discord: d4rksid3r
  7. Darksiders

    [RELEASE] Heaven theme

    Heaven was originally designed for a Lineage II website. The project died after a while, and the design and coded version (frontend) have been collecting dust since 2021. We thought it would be best to port it to FusionCMS and put this beauty to use. Heaven is a FCMS: FusionCMS theme with a...
  8. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Contact me on discord Darksider#6912
  9. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Frostbret Live demo Home: Forums: 3D item viewer: credentials user: demouser pass: demouser note: Register is being disabled. note: This is fresh demo, no dummy data is inserted (yet), I'll...
  10. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Frostbret theme is on huge discount including: 1. FusionCMS theme 2. phpBB forum board theme 3. API modules (to integrate FCMS/FGEN with phpBB) 4. Fixed postbacks (PayPal and Paymentwall) Discord: Darksider#6912
  11. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Frostbret Matching phpBB forum board theme Preview: Preview:
  12. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Weekly sale is here All products are on sale with limited time offer for 1 week (start at 4 April 2022) Package 1: 3 modules for $80 15% discount on a premium theme Package 2: 4 modules for $110 20% discount on a premium theme Package 3: 6 modules for $130 30% discount on a premium theme...
  13. Darksiders

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Working cMangos-SRP6 emulator file is available for FusionCMS/GEN.