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  1. madmax765

    Repack Legion 7.3.5 Actualizado 2021 Marzo

    nice wonder if its still working
  2. madmax765

    Looking 4 WOD 6.2.4

    Hello All Could some one help me find the "FULL" client of Warlords of Draenor 6.2.4 (21742) Bit torment or anything would be nice. Some resin my copy got messed up.. and my back up too. (it was auto backed up and i did not know my reg copy stopped working) And i had it set not ot update...
  3. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] Mistcaller Yngvar

    on quest Mistcaller Yngvar I use the Mistcaller's Charm and i summon Mistcaller Yngvar. ok but i can not kill him
  4. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] I'm Not Dead Yet!

    on quest I'm Not Dead Yet! I am to Escort Father Kamaros to safety. when i take the quest nothing happens.. he just stands there.
  5. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] Is That Your Goblin?

    on quest Is That Your Goblin? i am to Challenge Agnetta Tyrsdottar in order to save Zeev Fizzlespark I cant seem to attack
  6. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] Destroy the Forges!

    on quest Destroy the Forges! i am to use the Bouldercrag's Bomb on Lightning Forge ..only works if gm is on.. if i trun it off and trow it at the Lightning Forge nothing happens
  7. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] Slaves of the Stormforged

    on quest Slaves of the Stormforged this one i am lost on it. In the game quest says attempt to free captive mechagnome: 0/6 <- on these i click on them and they just say "go back to work before the overseer sees us." I think it need's a scripts ? stormforged taskmaster slain: 3/3 <-- ok them...
  8. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] The Gifts of Loken

    on quest The Gifts of Loken 2 of the 3 work . 3rd one is not there .. or is underground ? one not working is Loken's Favor destroyed Horde
  9. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] Data Mining

    on quest Data Mining I am to use the Inventor's Disk retrieve 7 pieces of Hidden Data from the Databanks It 's looks like it is working.. but after it is done... no count trod quest...
  10. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] Postponing the Inevitable

    On quest Postponing the Inevitable I am to use the Overcharged Mote on 3 Plague Disseminator I get the error requires Plague Disseminator rune ;)
  11. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] Summit of Fate

    On quest Summit of Fate I am to collect Spider Idol from Vilebranch I tried clicking on them.. could not do anything (just the green circle)
  12. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1 QUEST] All That Skitters

    on quest All That Skitters When i click on the spiders.. i could not kill them or loot them
  13. madmax765

    [VIP 6.1] got wood ?

    on quest got wood says i am to speak to Kadrak ti ride the Brutus well he says nothing.. and i cant jump on Brutus Can you post the bug fix for each quest posted.. So i can a ply the patch and keep going on the quest..... doing .quest complete...