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  1. WorldofNoLifer

    How Do I: Reset Achievements?

    Hi! I accidentally leveled a character to level 85 and triggered the "1st In Server To Level 80" achievement... Is there a way to reset this for the realm? Thanks!
  2. WorldofNoLifer

    Is It Possible To Set Up A Public Server Using Teamviewer

    Hi! :) Currently I keep 1 PC as the "always on" and using Hamachi on it as a server at home while the rest of us login in from elsewhere to it. It's worked so far except one problem: Hamachi only allows 5 free connections and we can't run 10 man raids. Ha ha ha... Evolve seems good but they are...
  3. WorldofNoLifer

    Can't Login After Renaming Repack Realm

    Hi all! I'm very new to repacks. Please bear with me: I've been searching this forum and over Google. Many of the topics addressed how to change the realmlist name (via HeidiSQL) but when I changed it, I am unable to access my personal server anymore. Once I changed it back the name back to...