hmm looking forward to trying this but theres no way to start the sql server like other servers. Ive run 'Unicontroller' but gives me some error about moving a folder called UniserverZ (that doesnt exist!) ???????
Do I download the first post repack, and then every update and run each update?
Or can I just download : Latest update on August 12, 2023 ?
Thank you! :)
Just looking at Trickerer's updates and it looks like he has started to work on battleground functionality for the npcbots. That is pretty exciting when we see this get implemented in the future!
Its exactly what i'm asking above though. (which ones in that 3.2 update are the correct ones to run. Some of the folders inside that 3.2 update have tons of SQL files to run... surely I dont need to run them all? please please re-read what I have wrote above)
Thankyou for working on this great repack. Can you help me understand the 'updater' folders though please. Inside Updater is multiple folders and subdiretories
I see lots of sql files in the subdirectories of 'old' (auth/char/world)
I see lots of sql files in the...