Search results

  1. H

    npc help

    How to make him walk ?
  2. H

    No Locking heroic dungeon

    They do not want to Locking heroic dungeon once loved boss :( if possible paths for tell how to fix it
  3. H

    bug character

    Can anyone tell me how to fix the hero moves like dead ?
  4. H

    Can anyone help me with this quest=24904

    Can anyone help me with this quest=24904 the problem is it taking ме complete,but does not want me to teleport :( If some can help me thanks in advance to everyone
  5. H

    help Goblin phase Ogrimmar

    Can anyone help me, once you get in orgrimmar with goblin no NPC.
  6. H

    Exodus-Quest hep

    Taking this quest everything disappears. ''Gm on, are seen'' ''Gm off ,hide" how can I fix it not to hide? thanks
  7. H

    npc problem

    disappear npc. can anyone help me how to fix it?
  8. H

    wow error

    what may come this problem, the customer gives the following error? This application has encountered a critical error: ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception! Program: D:\World of Warcraft\WoW - 64bit.exe ProcessID: 3420 Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0033:00000001402029CF The...
  9. H

    justice-valor-point-drop help

    How fix bosses falling Justice / Valor Point thus? Lich King Heroic dungeon boss -- 16 Justice Points Lich King daily normal dungeon -- 12 Justice Points Lich King daily Heroic dungeon -- 23 Justice Points Lich King raid boss -- 23 Justice Points Cataclysm Heroic dungeon boss -- 75 Justice...
  10. H

    how can I fix that

    how can I fix that npc ,''.gm on visible,.gm off invisible
  11. H

    AuctionHouseBot,AC3 Anticheat

    Can anyone help me where to find, ''AuctionHouseBot,AC3 Anticheat'' for Trinitycore 4.3.4 Thank you!
  12. H

    currency Valor and justice points help

    anybody know how to add Justice Points when boss dies for its loot ? You know when the boss dies it must give Justice Points or Valor Points to players. thus giving Lich King Heroic dungeon boss -- 16 Justice Points Lich King daily normal dungeon -- 12 Justice Points Lich King daily Heroic...
  13. H

    quest help

    If someone can tell me how to fix this quest ? thanks
  14. H

    Core help 4.3.4

    where can I download the kernel (4.3.4) source?
  15. H

    account create problem

    can I tell me some how to resolve this problem SQL(p): INSERT INTO account(username, sha_pass_hash, joindate) VALUES('Test', '90AE35E151D81C6B94121D0252680F3CD6CF0EBA', NOW()) [ERROR]: [1364] Field 'mutereason' doesn't have a default value Unhandled MySQL errno 1364. Unexpected behaviour...
  16. H

    help my password '' mysql ''

    Hello. If you can help a little, use "4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - Deathwings Madness v.3" I want to change my password '' mysql '' not astsent.Kak I change it? thank