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    [VIP 6.2 - Ashenvale Bugs]

    Ashenvale: The NPC Sentinel Shyela (ID 33187) at Orendil's Retreat exists two times. One is enough :D The correct one is the one sitting on her mount. (FIXED) The Quest "Bathran's Hair" (ID 26473) can't be completed - I must collect 8 Bathran's Hair, but there is no Bathran's Hair in the...
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    [VIP 6.2 - Character Malfunction]

    From time to time I have the problem that my characters do not leave the combat mode correctly. They stay sometimes in combat mode, so, when I left-click on enemies or use the Tab-Key, they are not only selected - e.g. my hunter shoots then immediatley. That's very annoying.
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    [vip 6.2 quest & npc]

    Teldrassil: The Quest "The Vengeance of Elune" (ID 14005) is not given by Tarindrella (40.8, 66.7) Darnassus: NPC Lysheana, Guild Master (ID 4161) is missing (70.0, 23.7) (FIXED) NPC Jocaste, Hunter Trainer (ID 4146) is missing (40.4, 8.5) (FIXED) Darkshore: The Quest "Grimclaw's Return"...