Don't worry, I'll explain. Errors in red is bot tells you the problem.
Install notepad++ and open the profile. Go to line 462 and look. I think you can delete this line entirely. These are commands that you can set in the bot's parameters.
If you get there, pass me your discord and I'll show...
This profile error can be easily corrected. By removing line 109 from the profile.
For the routine places you need a custom class folder.
Use my quest profiles. These are the correct version. Which server do you play on?
Hello can you tell me the exact build of this server. The client displays 5.4.8 18414. But your title says 5.47. And I don't know how to check exactly.
Hi buddy!
All right, do you know the structure of these bots?
If you can get them to look nice like the emucoach ones.
It'll help us make them easier. And you remind me of something we haven't finished for 4.3.4.
Hello community.
After HB 5.4.8 we will come back to this version to correct the custom routine.
Can you give me a feedback on what works well.
What doesn't work.
And what needs to be fixed.
Thank you for your understanding.