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  1. T

    Wotlk-Arena :: WoTLK PvP Realm Announcement

    Greetings community, We are proud and exuberant to announce a new Wrath of the Lich King PvP realm. It's our favourite expansion and it has been etched in our minds for many years, a subject we were always keen on taking on but always stayed away. It has been only a faint dream for us, until...
  2. T

    Tbc-Arena: The Burning Crusade PvP Realm Announcement

    Greetings community, We are proud and exuberant to announce a new The Burning Crusade PvP realm. It's our favourite expansion and it has been etched in our minds for many years, a subject we were always keen on taking on but always stayed away. It has been only a faint dream for us, until now...