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  1. S

    Worldserver cannot connect to MySQL

    So it turns out if I completely restart from step 1 it will somehow work the second time around. Sorry to be a pain but i really appreciate the time you took to try and help me out farns 418!
  2. S

    Worldserver cannot connect to MySQL

    I have been doing it in the proper order for sure, it was just an observation during my testing to figure out how to get past my first problem. Right now the problem is as presented in my newer screenshot, I'm getting the failed to open acceptor error. all of my other servers can use the exact...
  3. S

    Worldserver cannot connect to MySQL

    Sorry for the double post but I have a different problem now. Changed things in the worldserver config to get the 8085 connection, but now as the server is trying to start up it eventually halts and I get the attached error.
  4. S

    Worldserver cannot connect to MySQL

    Appreciate the new tip farns418, but sadly that has not solved the issue for me. I will keep fiddling around and hopefully something works out. If you think of anything else though I'll accept any help I can get XD Edit: So I can run the worldserver if I run it after the authserver, but I still...
  5. S

    Worldserver cannot connect to MySQL

    Hmm, still stuck then. My worldconfiq is set to 3306 already. I appreciate the pointers, and hopefully will have more time to tinker with things after work today.
  6. S

    Worldserver cannot connect to MySQL

    Good evening, I've downloaded the Gold VIP repack and am currently stumped by how to get past the error for my worldserver.exe where it states it cannot connect to the mysql. I have the two dll files from OpenSSL in place already but I lack the technical knowhow to figure out my next step, and...
  7. S

    Porting Legion creature models to 4.3.4

    Good evening, I am fairly new to all of this and I know there are many guides to importing CATA+ models for WOTLK. Having said that, I am curious if anyone would be able to point me in the right direction for either a release of legion to Cata or a guide (or even just some help) on how I might...