Search results

  1. eyerobot

    bug quest welcome to the machine 7.0

    [Name, Type] Welcome to the machine, quest, southpointe gate hillsbrad. [What it does] Nothing, No script [What it should do] activate a script that allows me to ride the horse, and talk to npc's as they walk by...
  2. eyerobot

    Missing npc southpointe gate flightmaster

    47655 pamela stutzka is the flight master for southpointe gate hillsbrad. And she is missing. Also missing here is apothecary underhill.
  3. eyerobot

    Bug quest Cities in Dust 7.0

    [Name, Type] Cities in Dust, quest, greymane wall silverpine [What it does] On quest start nothing happens, No script. [What it should do] It's a long script. a full replay of it is here,
  4. eyerobot

    Bug quest On Her Majesty's Secret Service 7.0

    [Name, Type] On Her Majesty's Secret Service, quest, Silverpine greymane wall [What it does] The quest sends you to capture commander lorna crowley, But no script activates to make her attack you, So you can defeat and capture her. [What it should do] A script should activate that makes her...
  5. eyerobot

    Bug quest Pyrewood's fall 7.0

    Bug quest Pyrewood's fall 7.0 Position fix included [Name, Type] Pyrewood's fall, quest, pyrewood village, silverpine [What it does] The torch does not give quest credit when used on the buildings. [What it should do] The torch should give quest credit for burning the three buildings in...
  6. eyerobot

    Bug quest Transdimenional warfare chapter 3 7.0

    [Name, Type] Transdimensional warfare chapter 3, quest, ambermill [What it does] This quest should be given to you while your still in the phase from chapter 2. So it does absolutely nothing, Since your in the wrong phase. [What it should do] The quest should be given to me by the server after...
  7. eyerobot

    Bug quest Transdimensional warfare chapter 2 7.0

    [Name, Type] Transdimensional warfare chapter 2, quest, Ambermill [What it does] Chapter 1 sends you into berins peril to speak to the dimensional portal and end the first quest, Then the portal gives you chapter 2, And does nothing else, The portal will not speak to you either. [What it should...
  8. eyerobot

    Bug quest unyielding servitors 7.0

    [Name, Type] unyielding servitors, quest,forsake front [What it does] The quest itself works perfectly. But the quest giver and quest taker need to be spawned via a script. [What it should do] Daschla 45610 needs to be spawned at the end of the quest "breaking the barrier". To give the quest...
  9. eyerobot

    bug quest Rise, Godfrey 7.0

    [Name, Type] Rise, Godfrey, quest, Forsaken front [What it does] Nothing, It requires a script, Similar to the first silverpine quest where they resurrect corpses for the warchief. [What it should do] A script should activate that shows her resurrecting godfrey and...
  10. eyerobot

    npc wrong faction sylvannas windrunner 7.0

    lady sylvannas windrunner is set friendly 35 to horde, and monster 16 to alliance, But she attacks and kills horde npc's and players. Maybe it's a core problem i don't know. A workable solution is to set her alliance faction to horde generic. And this is the same model that should spawn next to...
  11. eyerobot

    bug quest the great escape 7.0

    [Name, Type] the great escape, quest, gilneas [What it does] Deathstalker commander belmont gives you the quest but arthura does nothing. [What it should do] Upon accepting the quest from deathstalker commander belmont, Arthura should fly you and godfrey's corpse back to the forsaken front...
  12. eyerobot

    Worgen wrong faction in Gilneas possible fix 7.0

    The worgens (45481 45483) required for several quests in gilneas have the wrong alliance faction 35, Which also makes them friendly to horde. I changed this to 1802 as i have no way of knowing which alliance faction to set them to. And it makes them friendly to alliance, But keeping the horde...
  13. eyerobot

    bug quest A Man Named Godfrey 7.0

    [Name, Type] A Man Named Godfrey, quest, Npc [What it does] Lord Vincent Godfrey does not have death state, He is standing there. Clicking him has no effect, Does not give quest completion credit. Also he is in the wrong position, He should be on the beach near the boat. [What it should do] I...
  14. eyerobot

    bug quest what tommorrow brings 7.0

    [Name, Type] what tommorrow brings, quest & object [What it does] You are required to use the telescope 205417 to scout the harbour. But the telescope is missing. And using the telescope gives no quest completion. [What it should do] It should activate this cut scene. Then give quest credit...
  15. eyerobot

    bug quest all will be revealed 7.0

    [Name, Type] all will be revealed, quest, Gilneas [What it does] Collect wolfsbane for quest completion, But there is no Wolfsbane in Gilneas. [What it should do] There should be wolfsbane in Gilneas.
  16. eyerobot

    Bug quest to forsaken forward command 7.0

    [Name, Type] to forsaken forward command, quest silverpine forest [What it does] This quest sends you to speak to Deathstalker Commander Belmont, But the quest is auto completed, [What it should do] You should be flown to the forsaken forward command by arthura.You should then speak to...
  17. eyerobot

    Bug quest No Escape pt 2 of 3 7.0

    [Name, Type] no escape, quest, fenris isle questgiver agatha [What it does] You are ordered to find the human leadership inside fenris keep. But once you find them nothing happens [What it should do] When you approach the human leaders, They should begin a cut scene where they talk, and then...
  18. eyerobot

    BUG Profession Alchemy potion timer

    As an alchemist, The timer on potions should be doubled when i use potions that i created. However, The actual timer of the potions is only the standard timer of one hour for most potions. On mouseover the game tells you that it will be a two hour timer, But you only get one hour.
  19. eyerobot

    BUG Core Warlock vanishing summons 7.0

    Warlock summons vanish and have to be resummoned after player levels, Or after player uses a flight path, Or teleports. During a fight with several mobs my warlock can level, And the summon will vanish, Instead of being reborn as a higher level summon. This can get you killed real quick...
  20. eyerobot

    BUG VIP 7.0 Fishing chance is extremly low

    I tried fishing last night, And was only able to catch one brilliant smallfish during the time it took me to get to level 150 fishing. After fishing in tarren mill where i caught fish normally, I can say that it does work right, But not all areas have proper fishing loot. The blood elf area...