Search results

  1. Waltor

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4

    Looks very good! More power for Cata! :D
  2. Waltor

    ShadowCore 9.0.2 Repack (WoW - Shadowlands)

    Not only the one from "onlyforthefileslol" the same with "Varjard" a person who advertisement a repack shouldnt take the words like he did with the mother thing.
  3. Waltor

    Selling BlizzCMS Themes (Cataclysm, Legion and BFA)

    They looks very good! :)
  4. Waltor

    Required level mount | TC 4.3.4 |

    Yeah, the Item has a Spell on it. Find it and edit it in Spell.dbc ^^
  5. Waltor

    Required level mount | TC 4.3.4 |

    should be in Item DBC´s.