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  1. Daisypayne

    Requesting 4.0.6 client.

    I'v been on the serch for a 4.0.6 Cataclysm Client. Mainly just so I can go back to playing on a Eternion repack that I somehow dug up on an old drive that is still up and running. I do have a 4.0.6 WoW.Exe but it wont stream download due to the stream servers seeming like they no longer exist...
  2. Daisypayne

    World Server.

    Hi, I appear to have a problem with my world server. This is a fresh download for my new PC. I'v installed everything correctly, the MySQL loads fine, same with the Auth server. But the world server, only loads upto >>Loaded 1172 Trinity Strings from table trinity_string in 4ms Intitalize data...