Search results

  1. jangm0

    Name link and class color for world chat

    Hello Emucoach! So I got this world chat for /o patch 5.4.2 I managed to give ranks the color. I dont know any C++. Anyways my questions is can I add namelink to the name so you can click the player and whisper him? Also give the names their class color. This is the first part of the script...
  2. jangm0

    Wicked Gaming Community is now opening

    Here at Wicked Gaming Community, we intend to offer a wide variety of servers to enjoy and have the perfect experience on, our goal as a community is to bring happiness to the players and ensure everything runs smoothly for the absolute gaming experience. With that said, lets get into detail of...
  3. jangm0

    Wicked Gaming Community looking for staff

    Hello everyone! :) WGC is making a fresh start. We are now going for 2 5.4.2 realms, one blizzlike and one instant 90. Staff is a lot more hyped because of this and the progression is going great! We now have 2 servers! 1x AMD FX-4130 and 1x (coming soon) 16GB RAM each 1x 120GB SSD 1x...