Just tried the command you mentioned. Doesn't work unforrtunately.
I also tried lots of stuff most of the commands that you find with google:
Do i need to be GM to do that ? Because I endountered some problem when I play as GM, that's why I have a separate account for the bots.
I usually use the playerbots addon but an "uninvite" does not work ...
yea azeroth core is great but too old. i had it running. but the graphics are worse than mop and there is no transmog and reforging. things that i really liked about mop.
the most annoying bug in the pandaren starting area was ... lots of mobs did not react to shadow word pain ... they get a...
Since I'm just leveling up with some friends I thought I might create a list of quests that are not working properly.
The Disciple's Challenge - https://www.wowhead.com/quest=29409/the-disciples-challenge#comments - the npc will not get aggro and does not recognize the player once i pass the...
another annoying thing in this instance is:
When you play with bots. the bots usually don't jump over that cliff. sometimes they do but most of the times they dont. then you cant properly play the instance to the end