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  1. BeansonToast

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    I cant be sure, but if i was to take a guess, thats in the world db too - they really screwed it right down to prevent users repacking it again and making as their own - i cant blame them i guess, the amount of work that must of gone into it would of been rediculous - its the best legion repack...
  2. BeansonToast

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP cant - thats the one drawback for this repack - the world db is locked out so you cannot modify... for the q over if the last fix contains previous... id say yes from my exposure to the repack, but you may want to reach them on their discord for confirmation.
  3. BeansonToast

    Events and how to start them

    Anyone got any part of the Halloween event working on VIP 15 Blizzlike ? Please let me know what you did...Wickerman etc all spawned but no npcs, no HHorseman spawning in Goldshire, no event dungeon. What am i doing wrong?
  4. BeansonToast

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    ...i just got it working externally...seems the sticking point was in the realm table - for the local address, i had put my servers actual fixed ip address - i had changed this to the default and restarted the server, it was up and running internally and...
  5. BeansonToast

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    Yes - it does autoscale - ive just ran through a few dungons as a level 40 mage - had no issues - yes i think you can adjust / disable if required. As it stands, for one toon - its a little op.
  6. BeansonToast

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    A couple of things occured to me when i read what you had put, the first of i would make sure you downloaded the one posted here: Then make sure you run the updater thats contained in the repack - this should bring yours up to Update 6...
  7. BeansonToast

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    Well i have had no problems myself running this from a lan, however my stumbling block is getting the server available external to my lan...ive tried everything... i have got a SPP WOTLK working externally along with ExO and Teams great cata repack without much trouble at all - however this...
  8. BeansonToast

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    ....i might be wrong, but this could be its new home:
  9. BeansonToast

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    I could download it from the Google drive link - what i am having problems with is the update file - when ran, it appears to attempt to open a ftp to which is at the moment i only have a vanilla release of this repack - cant get the update to work as the domain is dead.
  10. BeansonToast

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    This seems like a good quality repack - ive even had pet battles! The only thing im missing thats stopping me push further with this repack and migrate my toons over is the fact that it doesnt scale as far as i can see with dungons etc and as there are no bots, its almost impossible to form a...
  11. BeansonToast

    NPC Bot unable to equip shield on v15 Blizzlike

    ...there have been other bots i havent bothered mentioning that have similar issues to the above, however today i started kitting out a druid.... this guy (Golhine) wont take ANY equipment.
  12. BeansonToast

    Jedoga Shadowseeker in Ahn'kahet

    Location: Ahn'kahet Faction/Race: Mage Gnome, Aliance Name: Jedoga Shadowseeker, NPC boss found in Ahn'kahet at the Desecrated Altar. Problem description: Boss inactive, cannot interact, fight, etc. How it should work: I should be able to engage fight. Oh and its v15 Blizzlike VIP repack :)
  13. BeansonToast

    Events and how to start them

    Thanks for the reply Gravityfails :) So its not possible to run Brewfest, Winter Veil,etc ? I noticed there was a sub forum for these events containing fixes etc including if there's fixes to make the events work, what am i doing wrong ? I am assuming these fixes are contained in...
  14. BeansonToast

    Events and how to start them

    Ok now this is really starting to confuse me..: Ive also noticed things like npc's outside Shat who are from Darkmoon fair, they offer quests etc... In Stormwind now, theres a npc talking about the Mid Summer fire festival... Is this all normal or is something up with my DBases?
  15. BeansonToast

    Events and how to start them

    Example of whats happening - Brewfest is on, quest marker visible on minimap - nothing there where the even takes place:
  16. BeansonToast

    Events and how to start them

    Hi All Still working my way through the repack (Blizzlike VIP) and im loving it so far :) I have a question that maybe some of you know the answer to. Its bascially Events like Brewfest, Noblegarden, etc, etc.. according to my ingame calender Brewfest is on. I went to the usual place for it...
  17. BeansonToast

    NPC Bot unable to equip shield on v15 Blizzlike

    NPC Bot "Wilhelm" (Paladin) is unable to equip a shield in off hand when using one handed sword in main hand. Same issue with Brisombre: And Beldruk : ..and Brandur Tried with various one handed swords in main hand, none would accept a shield in off hand slot - other paladins seem...
  18. BeansonToast

    Adding items to the AH VIP V14

    After some more trawling the internet i found this... AuctionHouse Filler - Stand Alone Unfortunately i couldnt get it to work with this build, but the interface and options are impressive and it proves a point, does something as cool as this exist for this repack? It would be very very handy...
  19. BeansonToast

    Adding items to the AH VIP V14

    If the above sounds like a stupid question, fine, but i still need to know how to do it...if i want more than 250 items on the AH i have to sit for 20+ mins whilst my disks thrash away telling me about errors in the AH... I have looked around the web a fair bit but i keep getting references to...
  20. BeansonToast

    Adding items to the AH VIP V14

    Hi all :) How do you increase the amount of items for sale on the auction house? I thought it was just a case of increasing the number in min/max items under auctionhousebot entry: …which does have the desired affect, however im now seeing pages and pages of errors: >> Loaded 162...