Search results

  1. Snolune

    [NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

    This will save me some time, for when I want to mess around in wrath. Thanks!
  2. Snolune

    Fishing: Dalaran Fountain

    Server Version: 10.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid / Human Mage Zone: Dalaran Problem: Fishing in the Dalaran Fountain is providing 2 items instead of 1 about 95% of the time. Gamebreaking? No
  3. Snolune

    Quest: Anguish of Nifflevar

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid / Human Mage Zone: Howling Fjord Quest: Anguish of Nifflevar Quest ID: 11344 Problem: Meeting is in the wrong phase, unable to see dialouge. Can still complete quest though. How it should work: Use...
  4. Snolune

    Flight Point: Fizzcrank Airstrip

    Quest: Infused Mushroom Meatloaf Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid Zone: Borean Tundra Problem: Fizzcrank Airstrip is missing from the flight map.
  5. Snolune

    Quest: Finish the shipment

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid Zone: Dalaran Quest: Finish the Shipment Quest ID: 13041 Problem: Quest reward is Honor Points instead of Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token Here are all the JC quests started by Timothy Jones Shipment...
  6. Snolune

    Bug: Quest: Infused Mushroom Meatloaf

    Quest: Infused Mushroom Meatloaf Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid Zone: Dalaran Quest: Infused Mushroom Meatloaf Quest ID: 13100 Problem: Quest reward is Honor Points instead of Dalaran Cooking Award
  7. Snolune

    Bug: Quest: Triage

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid / Human Mage Zone: Dustwallow Marsh / Theramore / Foothold Citadel Quest ID: 6624 Quest Name: Triage Quest Objective: 15 Patients Saved! Problem: Quest is not updating when you save a patient with the Triage Bandage.
  8. Snolune

    Dalaran Fountain

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid Zone: Dalaran Problem: The Dalaran Fountain is missing its loot table.
  9. Snolune

    Bug: Prospecting

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid Problem: When Prospecting Fel Iron Ore up, You have a chance to get a blue piece of armor, or weapon.
  10. Snolune

    Bug: Dual NPC

    In Gadgetzan there are two of goblin butcher Dirge Quikcleave.
  11. Snolune

    Bug: Dalaran Cooking Daily

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid Zone: Dalaran Problem: After completing the Dalaran Cooking Daily, I received a small spice bag . In it I received some northern spices and a Dalaran Cooking Award. Unfortunately this...
  12. Snolune

    Bug: fishing

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid Skill: Fishing: 402 Zone: Everywhere Problem(s): Fishing - When your fish escapes, it doesn't show the message "Your...
  13. Snolune

    Bug: Auction House

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid Zone: Ironforge, Stormwind, Darnassus, Exodar Problem: When selecting the "usable items" box, it shows recipes that you already know. How it Should Work: When selecting the "usable items" box it shouldn't...
  14. Snolune

    Bug: The Blood Furnace (Normal)

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid / Human Mage Zone: Hellfire Peninsula, The Blood Furnace (Normal) Problem: In the room before Broggok there are two Fel Orc Neophyte's that neither players, nor npcbots, are able to target or aoe, making...
  15. Snolune

    Quest Bug: Gauging the Resonant Frequency

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid / Human Mage Zone: Blade's Edge Mountains / Singing Ridge Quest Name: Gauging the Resonant Frequency Quest ID: 10594 Problem: Oscillating Frequency Scanner is an imp and not the actual device, no...
  16. Snolune

    Bug: Quest: Planting the Banner

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Faction: Alliance Race/Class: Night Elf Druid / Human Mage Zone: Blade's Edge Mountains / Northmaul tower Quest Name: Planting the Banner Quest ID: 10518 Problem: Banner is invisible to players. Admin can see. Waves of mobs do not start. Quest...
  17. Snolune

    Bug: Quest: Aiding the Injured

    Server Version: 9.1 - VIP Quest ID: 26970 Quest Title: Aiding the Injured Location: Azuremyst Isle - Crash Site Faction: Alliance Level 3 Draenei Priest Problem: Quest not counting when Injured Draenei are healed with Flash Heal.
  18. Snolune

    Bug: Hellfire Peninsula - Fel Spirits

    Hellfire Peninsula, Alliance, Night Elf Druid & Human Mage Quest: Fel Spirits Problem Spirits are not emerging from slain Shattered Hand Berserkers, even when beam from relic is hitting them.
  19. Snolune

    Bug: Digging for Prayer Beads

    Hellfire Peninsula, Alliance, Night Elf Druid & Human Mage Quest: Digging for Prayer Beads Problem Fei Fei does not lead you to the prayer beads. You can still pick them up though. On another note Fei Fei should be a pug.
  20. Snolune

    Bug: Hellfire Peninsula (Flame Warden)

    Hellfire Peninsula, Alliance, Night Elf Druid & Human Mage Problem The Hellfire Peninsula Flame Warden is missing quest text.