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  1. C

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Thank you!
  2. C

    I bought the VIP version of MOP and encountered some issues starting the World server

    Make sure you download the new DBC mmaps and other files as I think the vip uses a different version of them. Not sure but I had a crash when logging in before downloading them. If that doesn't work do you have a crash log? If not what does your server log say near the end?
  3. C

    I bought the VIP version of MOP and encountered some issues starting the World server

    Those are just some errors. I think they all do that for now. The server should run fine still, mine does and as I have been having issues with my IP changing and invalidating my license everyday my server has currently been up and running for about a week with no crashes or issues despite those...
  4. C

    Dungeon Finder not counting dungeons as finished and giving rewards.

    [Location, Faction, Race] Ragefire Chasm and Deadmines (Probably other dungeons), Horde, Pandaren [Name, Type] Dungeon Finder [Problem Description] Dungeons are never counted as finished when using the random dungeon finder even after killing all bosses and manually exiting the dungeon [How it...
  5. C

    A question about Vip/MoP license.

    After my subscription runs out will the license stop working? Or will it still work just no longer able to download new updates until re subscribed? Wandering as mine runs out soon and it will be a few days before I can resub and want to let my cousin know if we will have to wait a few days...
  6. C

    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    My World server keeps crashing as soon as it finishes loading