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  1. S

    Stuck On Connected - Worldserver - HOW TO FIX

    The current oldest officially available openSSL version is 1.1.1, I have tried that one and was still unable to join my recently update server. Have now tried 2 different unofficial 1.0.2d versions with no luck. Have also tried the newest version 3.1.0, which doesn't install the .dll files you...
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    Vanilla Repack - Light's Hope Based

    will try this out
  3. S

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    Nice can't wait to see the models ingame
  4. S

    Client Exe stopped connecting to my own private server randomly

    Welp seems I the server didn't launch properly, restarting the server completely and properly fixed the issue.
  5. S

    Client Exe stopped connecting to my own private server randomly

    So, been running a Cata server for a couple years now, used the same client since the beginning. Decided I had a need to play on it a bit and attempt to log in. Client says its got a connection to the server but stops at "Authenticating". Looking at the client logs I see a few errors have...
  6. S

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    Just set the server up only thing i changed was the mysql port, the realm shows as "offline". Edit: was able to fix the issue by using a different client... don't use CircleWow's MoP client, it's exe doesn't allow other connections to work.