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  1. VeritasGC

    5.4.8 premium.. invaild license key

    Message Message ExO and ask for a new key, he should be able to help you out.
  2. VeritasGC

    PM'd about generating a new key for MoP V2. :)

    PM'd about generating a new key for MoP V2. :)
  3. VeritasGC

    Simple Registration Page for TrinityCore 3.3.5a | SRP6 Support | Reshare

    Yep, I'm definitely an idiot. Was right there in index.php the whole time. :)
  4. VeritasGC

    Simple Registration Page for TrinityCore 3.3.5a | SRP6 Support | Reshare

    Thanks for this! Been trying to find a website that works with SRP6 and this is awesome. One question though and I feel like an idiot for asking it, but I cannot find where to edit the default "ServerName" and "Test" text that is present by default. I've skimmed through all included files and...
  5. VeritasGC

    MoP VIP 5.4.8 - Repeatedly Crashing

    One more thing to add, last night I once again completely wiped and left all setttings in the worldserver.conf files at default, and the same crash continues to happen. :(
  6. VeritasGC

    MoP VIP 5.4.8 - Repeatedly Crashing

    So the frequency definitely increases with more players on. With about 20 players and 250 bots, it was happening anywhere between 5-30 minutes consistently. It seems to mostly happen when Battlegrounds end, although I can't be 100% positive that is what is causing it, it sure seems so. However...
  7. VeritasGC

    MoP VIP 5.4.8 - Repeatedly Crashing

    So actually, it wasn't the customizations. This is still happening with a completely fresh install. The error I am getting is: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Fault address: 00007FFDF1EE965D 01:000000000000865D C:\World of Warcraft Server\Release_MOP_VIP_1.0_EMUCOACH\libmysql.dll...
  8. VeritasGC

    PM'd, need a replacement key for MoP when you have a chance.

    PM'd, need a replacement key for MoP when you have a chance.
  9. VeritasGC

    MoP VIP 5.4.8 - Repeatedly Crashing

    Likon69 helped me on Discord, THANK YOU! Ultimately, it was due to some database customizations I had applied that the worldserver didn't like. I recreated the mop_world database schema back to default and the crashes seem to have stopped. Those customizations were in place for about 2 weeks...
  10. VeritasGC

    MoP VIP 5.4.8 - Repeatedly Crashing

    Here are the crash dumps and server logs.
  11. VeritasGC

    MoP VIP 5.4.8 - Repeatedly Crashing

    Not sure why, but my MoP VIP 5.4.8 worldserver.exe is crashing a ton all of a sudden. Is there any specific log I can provide for someone to take a look at and let me know if there's anything I can do?
  12. VeritasGC

    Server Rates - Resource Regeneration

    I've been driving myself crazy trying to get this to work :) Anyone have any ideas? I'm on MoP VIP 5.4.8 if that matters some how.
  13. VeritasGC

    Server Rates - Resource Regeneration

    It seems that the worldserver.conf file's Health.Rate, Mana.Rate, etc do not function properly when set above 1. So even when setting it to 3 for example, it stays at default values. Does anyone know of another way to change this, perhaps in the DB somewhere? I've looked through the various...
  14. VeritasGC

    M.O.P. 5.4.8. Reset Goblin starter campaign/zone instance?

    I've also found the Goblin (and Worgen) starter zones to have instancing issues. For my server, what I've had players do is start as another race and level up to 20. Then you can use the .character changerace <name> command to allow them to customize their character on the character select...
  15. VeritasGC

    LASTWOW Website Release! [FREE DOWNLOAD]

    Ok apparently I'm a noob at configuring websites. Anyone have any tips? Can't get it to work with Apache on Windows, keep getting a 403 error but permissions seem to be correct.
  16. VeritasGC

    Disable Deserter Penalty for Dungeons?

    This worked and I love you <3
  17. VeritasGC

    Disable Deserter Penalty for Dungeons?

    Does anyone have a method for disabling the deserter penalty when leaving a dungeon prematurely? In the MoP 5.4.8 VIP repack, there are a few minor issues in some dungeons which prevent some of them from completing, and if you leave the group, you get the deserter penalty. I disabled the...
  18. VeritasGC

    PM'd. :)

    PM'd. :)