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  1. D

    apache , MySQL

    Post logfiles and we can try to figure it out. Either paths are broken or you are missing some libraries. Try using admin privileges.
  2. D

    apache , MySQL

    Try looking\posting logs. path\_Server\apache\logs
  3. D

    Encoding issue

    Вот его и скачал как раз. Та же шляпа. Я спокойно могу на английском играть, но примерно 10 человек из офиса требуют русский. Я в конфигах ставил DBC locale на русский. Безрезультатно. Есть репак сервера с поддержкой русского языка на примете? Винда 10
  4. D

    Encoding issue

    Tried Warmane client and another server build. Same issue.
  5. D

    Encoding issue

    Server: Clients: Both Dalaran-Wow and Sunwell are english only. They work fine, but in...
  6. D

    Encoding issue

    Thank you for replying! On cataclysm there is half-russian half-english thing happening. But no encoding issues. Is there a way to fix that?
  7. D

    Stuck on connected

    Are you hosting and playing on same machine? I've just had this same issue, but on LAN\Online. You will need an sql client. I used free "Beekeeper studio". Start SQL server in _Server folder. Connect to it with sql studio. Credentials can be found in authserver.conf Like so #...
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    Encoding issue

  9. D

    Encoding issue

    Hello! First of all, thank you for your work. I didn't expect setting up a server would be so easy. My friends asked me to make a server for Lan\online play. I've set up a Cataclysm server, everything worked fine. Then they asked for lich king. Again, installed, everything is working fine...
  10. D

    Error 0xc000007b Run authserver

    Installed x86 and x64 version and it helped! Thank you!