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  1. omgoshross

    [GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

    Since the pictures are broken, I figured I would throw in how I got this to work for me. I'm a total newbie to MySQL and HeidiSQL, but I figured this out through some trial and error. I'm upgrading from VIP 12 to VIP 13.1 in this tutorial. I'm using HeidiSQL version Back up your...
  2. omgoshross

    Count To 2.000

  3. omgoshross

    NPC's do not appear for Goblin character

    [Location, Faction, Race] Horde, Durotar and Barrens (all of Kalimdor?), Goblin [Name, Type] Almost all NPC's [Problem Description] All regular Horde NPC's do not appear, including quest givers/turn-ins, flight masters, guards in Durotar and Northern Barrens. Entering the zone with both an Orc...