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    EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack - Fake Player System (DYNAMIC!) - How to SETUP

    I'm not sure about commands but IIRC cleric bots tend to heal you - if they have mana, that is. Sometimes, especially during raids, they use it way too active on attacks.
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    V17 Shadowfang Keep bug

    Lord Walden in Shadowfang Keep seems to spawn much lower than he should be, below his hall.
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    V17 Playerbots standing in the starting position and doing nothing

    Some bots, Warlocks (maybe someone else too) with identical faces are standing on the starting position and never moving out. Screenshot:
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    Character has stuck animation after contacting Constricting Totem near Ironforge

    Thanks! Killing character also helps but it's more radical.
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    EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack - Fake Player System (DYNAMIC!) - How to SETUP

    @ExO, would be alsow amazing if npcbots would chat a bit! maybe soem conditional messages (enemies around, all quiet, wounded, etc - with a chance to edit those messages in some settings file).
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    V15 - likely NPC stuck in the wall.

    In Lakeshire inn, Lakeshire, Redridge mountaisn region, NPC or two are stuck in the eastern wall of inn's kitchen on the ground floor, according to sounds.
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    Character has stuck animation after contacting Constricting Totem near Ironforge

    After I encountered Constriction Totems near the ironforge, my character is stuck in this animation. Logging out or restarting server doesn't help. What can I do?
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    V15 issue with dummy guardin and non-attackable wolf

    Northshire Valley, human starting point. Playing as human warrior, gm off. A bit to the north from human starting point (about 50 yards, to the left if looking at the church) there is a dummy guardina who is attacked by a wolf. Guardian does nothing, jsut stays liek dummy, and it seems he's...
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    V15 Troll exp npc at the wrong position

    Northshire Valley, human starting point. Playing as human warrior, gm off. In the doors of church right next to starting point there are two NPCs in exactly same coordinates - quest npc Marshal McBride (who should stay there), and added troll npc that adjusts exp level. Troll either should be...
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    EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack - Fake Player System (DYNAMIC!) - How to SETUP

    Hey @Pontinuum, how's your progress going?
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    How to make Holidays and Feasts happen more often

    Hi guys, I have a question - I wanted to make holiday (for example Noblegarden now) happen on this and next week. I added a line in game_event table: 123 2021-04-29 02:00:00 2030-01-01 09:00:00 524160 10080 181 0 Noblegarden TEST 0 Restarted server after that but nothing...
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    Hey! Please confirm my vip gold payment - I sent you pm with details :-)

    Hey! Please confirm my vip gold payment - I sent you pm with details :-)
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    Coastal Delicacies quest not working in 4.3.4

    In Coastal Delicacies quest, spider is given to a player, and this spider should eat murlocks killed by the player. However, spider doesn't seem to eat them - maybe some script is missing.
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    How to make your Emucoach server public.

    So, I found the core of the problem - in my router's port settings I should have put the correct last number of ip address from ipconfig, for all ports opened for WoW. NoIP was working fne, and no, there was no need to change addresses in authserver or worldserver - it seems they don't need to...
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    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    For me V13 doesn't work for onlien as well - tried everything as in the isntruction, and still not able to connect.
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    How to make your Emucoach server public.

    I did exactly like this, and it doesn't work. All firewalls and antivirus ae turned off - and still, my noip is offline and server won't connect.
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    EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack - Fake Player System (DYNAMIC!) - How to SETUP

    I tried with fake players - they seen to be not that active, roaming here and there a bit, answering and so on. Maybe they can be done to be more industrious? Even randomly - I mean running here and there across locations, fihting mosnters which they meet and so on. I don't talk about any...
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    Where can I see the list of all server's accounts?

    Good, thanks! Next question will be how can I explore it? In Server/mysql/data folder I found auth folder which seems to contain all the .from files like account.frm. Is tha it? And how is it possible to explore (and edit, haha) it - I tried via HeidiSQL but not sure even if it's a suitable tool...