Search results

  1. D

    4.3.4 v12Vip customization Q's...

    1) is there a way to configure the respawn rate for npc's? I've noticed, so far anyway, that area's in darkshore are respawning really quickly. too quickly, you don't need to move deeper into camps to get your mob/loot counts you can just circle one little area. I'm guessing it's server wide...
  2. D

    Downloading game data

    I, like most folk, am using the normal WoW clients that download data in the background. This is a genus move if you're playing online, but if you're playing in the country and don't have a internet connection, it's a bit of a pain. Is there a way to force these streaming clients to go ahead...
  3. D

    Wow Emulation... Why so randomly incomplete?!?

    Greets. Just curious why the wow emulation community is so randomly incomplete. I mean the 3.3.5 community seems to have a very solid footing with the DB's just about completely resolved. Outside of a few bugs, there's not a lot missing. but if you step up to 4.3.4, the data is sketchy at...
  4. D

    Level 1 Mounts

    I've searched around for two days now (and I guess I'm just not hitting the correct phrase), but I cannot figure out how to make a level 1 mount. I figured out how to make apprentice riding a starting skill, but I can't seem to either grant a mount starting skill (think charger) or get any of...