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    Addon Npcbot_Cata

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    Icecrown Citadel Invisible Enemy

    No problem! and I figured that after I posted it lol
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    Icecrown Citadel Invisible Enemy

    [Location, Faction, Race] Icecrown Citadel Plagueworks. Human. Male. Warrior [Name, Type] NPC [Problem Description] invisible enemy in the plagueworks, prevents you from leaving combat without GM mode. Can not be seen or targeted in GM mode (or I would delete it) [How it should work] Not sure if...
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    Missing Rare Spawns in Outlands

    What version are you on? I have them both spawning for me on v13.1 (use .go creature 111456, .go creature 111458, and .go creature 111459 for Chief Engineer Lorthander spawn points) and (.go creature 111454, .go creature 111497, .go creature 111498 , and .go creature 111499 for Ever-Core the...
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    Changing NPCs weapon? 4.3.4 V12

    I'm trying to change the warlock pet felguards weapon to the arcanite reaper but no matter what I change the item id in the creature_equip_template to its not changing. It starts out set to the arcanite reaper too. Am I using the wrong felguard entry? I'm using creature id 17252 which is what...
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    4.3.4 Untargetable mobs

    I'm running into an issue with the 4.3.4 v11 repack where some creatures (though rare) can't be targeted. A few examples is Neferian human and dragon form in blackwing lair after you initiate the fight with him. I can't remember the other right now, I think Lord Ryolith in the firelands. I can't...
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    Cata 4.3.4 v10(1) Crash

    Here is my crash log I am getting. I am running as administrator but the thing says I have 4194303kb or 4gb available but I have around 13gb left usable. I am assuming that's why it is crashing? Its crashing in raids with me and 39 bots (molten core, Blackwing Lair) and it crashes in raids with...
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    Bot Buff Bug with Pets

    [Location, Faction, Race] -- [Name, Type] Npcbots, example down below [Problem Description] If you are a hunter, warlock, or a deathknight with any pet bot priest, and druid (maybe some others I haven't used yet) Will keep casting power word fortitude and mark of the wild (I believe its that...
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    Crash Possibly Caused By Death Knight Bot v10.1

    When Using DK Bots, Tauren, Horde Death Knight Bots, creatures I think its due to a DK bot using a missing spell but I have no idea. When using DK bot I get the errors below followed by a crash, it has happened in Firelands, ICC, and Magtheridons Lair, and once in Kalimdor so far. The entry...
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    World Server Crashes Cataclysm 4.3.4 v10.1

    Not sure if this is a bug or my computer so not posting it in bugs for now. So the firelands raid and ice crown citadel raid crash my server after being in them for a few minutes. It could be my computer, I have 4gb ram and 1.6 quad-core CPU. However I tested other raids like Baradins Hold...
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    Account Characters for Playerbots

    To my knowledge this isn't a feature yet (correct me if I a wrong) I think been able to use characters in you account/guild instead of randombots would be good. Its a feature most 3.3.5 player bot servers but I'm also not a programmer so I have no idea how hard it would be to implement in cata.
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    VIP Repack questions

    Been seriously considering getting this as CATA is my favorite but I don't like playing without playerbots(currently running the 3.3.5 spp with playerbots server) so my questions are 1) can you use characters from your account and/or guild as bots? Or is it just random bots? 2) How much more...
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    Need help fixing server rates

    I am using the emucoach repack v6 and I've used a lot of servers over the years but have never ran into this problem. I edit the world server config and set xp gains to 10 those worked, but rates for player health and mana and world boss health and damage do not work when I change them. Any...