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  1. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/Légion/MOP/WOD For CATA 4.3.4 (15595)

    Hello to warn you, I just managed to retort the Mount with 4 Skin for CATA, I'm going to put it on my next Update Patch, that's it.
  2. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/Légion/MOP/WOD For CATA 4.3.4 (15595)

    you could but using a shader it can make your game even more beautiful. =)
  3. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/Légion/MOP/WOD For CATA 4.3.4 (15595)

    okey I'm going to see hoping that there's too much texture to retouch hihi I'll let you know the rest. Do not hesitate to tell me with your test if it works well history that I give nothing, thank you in any case.
  4. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/Légion/MOP/WOD For CATA 4.3.4 (15595)

    I forgot to tell you to put the .dbc files in your data folder on your server so that it can recognize the new pack, please excuse me for forgetting. Download the .dbc files and put them in your "data" folder example: ./_Server/Data/dbc It will ask you to replace click on yes. Restart your...
  5. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/Légion/MOP/WOD For CATA 4.3.4 (15595)

    I have provided you with the MPQ files in model ID and in Display ID, what you have to do is to create the sort and Item to create the model in mount via the files: - spell.dbc Who aims to create the spell of the mount -spellicon.dbc Who defines the item icon of the mount I just gave you the...
  6. Jivani19

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4

    TY so much =)
  7. Jivani19

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4

    Please, it's made for =)
  8. Jivani19

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4

    thank you very much
  9. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/Légion/MOP/WOD For CATA 4.3.4 (15595)

    By the way these are Model importer for Cata, you can do what you want with them these are separate mounts, so I take the models from MOP / WOD / Legion / BFA / SL and I add them to CATA, basically they are new mounts that you can do with them whatever you want. =) I hope to have given a good...
  10. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/Légion/MOP/WOD For CATA 4.3.4 (15595)

    Next Legion mount for Cata =) Mage-Class mount for each specialization =)
  11. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/Légion/MOP/WOD For CATA 4.3.4 (15595)

    Hello here is my Retro mount for Cataclysm they are very functional, I try to take them out little by little here I hope you will like =) To test, you just have to add the file in your Data folder To see them all you have to do is: .morph 40191 => AllianceSiphMount .morph 40193 => DhMount...
  12. Jivani19

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4

    Hello I am a novice for the moment but I am working on it, I would like to make this possible for cataclysm because I do not see a lot of Model HD, if you ever encounter any bug problems let me know I will go there little by little and I would like to find people who would like to work on it or...
  13. Jivani19

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4
  14. Jivani19

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4

    If ever that does not work you must use a WOW.EXE on 4go: WOW.EXE
  15. Jivani19

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4

    Hello, I am currently starting a project, I am working on the HD models for Cataclysm (15595), here is my model start working and functional, I wanted to share with you, to make it work you just have to put it in your Data folder , then think about clearing your cache before launching the game...
  16. Jivani19

    Dragonwrath Legendary Weapon, Tarecgosa's Rest upgrade 4.3.4

    Hello people of Emucoach, this is my first post Just an upgrade from the famous Legendary "Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's" This is an upgrade from the Legendary ilvl 397 to 416, and I wanted to share it with you. It's not much, but I would like to contribute to this community. The first base weapon...
  17. Jivani19

    Garr's bug on Hyjal EMU V13

    Akma'hat Bug in Uldum it lacks some mechanics, He should do this in the video:
  18. Jivani19

    Garr's bug on Hyjal EMU V13

    During the meeting with this rare elite he does not do much, the same for the add around him, suddenly he is too easy, he does not have all these mechanics. He should do this in the video:
  19. Jivani19

    EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack, Fake players system/Sort of Playerbots (in progress)

    wow tout simplement génial, j'aimerais aussi le tester =) j'ai hâte d'y être =)