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    MrFishIt WOTLK 3.3.5, CATA 4.3.4, MoP 5.4.8

    Thanks! Will give this a try!
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    This application was unable to start correctly 0xc0150002

    You're a genius! I had done the same thing. I also found a site that had all variations of the Win64OpenSSl files, i installed all of them, one at a time of course, and still the same error. I was just about to call it quits and go back to the free version when I saw your post. I deleted the...
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    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Been looking for this for awhile. Just purchased the MoP Premium. Thanks for all you do and this great repack!