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  1. L

    24897 Quest: Get Back To Town

    Which quest is it? 24897 Get Back To Town What's the bug? Server crashes when you accept the quest. Log: *** Operation System *** Windows Server 2012 Server 4.0 (Version 6.2, Build 9200) //===================================================== Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Fault...
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    Client error?

    I always get client errors.. :( Could someone help?
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    Quest #26703 not working

    The quest is in strangelthorn vale, the script of the quest does not start. The NPC is not there.
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    Quest #26697 (script not working)

    [Name, Type] Quest, ID: #26697 [What it does] The quest starts but you can't fly over the ships and the mobs are not spawned. [What it should do] You should be able to fly over these ships and kill those pirates and fulfull the quest.
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    Quest #24934 not working

    Hello, the quest with the ID #24934 is not working cause you can't fly on board with the admiral.
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    Stranglethorn Valley - Gorlash is not spawned?

    Hello, Gorlash is not spawned. He is important for a quest.
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    Quest #26699 not working

    The quest #26699 is not working, because you do not enter the phase where booty bay is being attacked.
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    Mobs in barrens

    Many mobs in the barrens have 1/1 HP... Lions and raptors
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    Guild trader in Stormwind not working

    Hello, the guy who sells the guild things in Stormwind is not working... You can't buy things
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    Hello, .mod changefaction does not work. If you relog, you can't change your faction then... It's gray. Why?
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    Animation "freezes" sometimes on horse

    Hello. Sometimes, in EmuCoach V6.3, if you summon your horse, the summoning-animation is stuck. It would be great, if you'd be able to fix this.
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    Achievements not working?

    Hello, the achievements of the VIP pack are not right working... Why? Example: If you do /love you will get an achievement, but you need to do /love at many places. Please try it. Thanks...
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    "Quest log is full"

    If you share a quest with a another player and he has done the quest already, it says "his quest log is full". (VIP Version)
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    Durability 0/0 when trading

    Hello, if you trade with another person, your trade-partner sees the item, but if he goes with the cursor over the item, the item says: "durability 0/0". If the trade is finished, the durability goes back to 100/100 ... (VIP Version)
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    Quest ID #26228

    Hi, the quest with ID #26228 is not working. (FIXED on v6.1) It's the quest where you go to the mine and have to place a box... You have to go to the end of the mine but it is not working. That is the quest
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    Starting quests

    Hello, the starting quests (especially Worgen, where the city should have gone because of bombings) are not working. Also, the class quests (for Paladin, if you are Human) are not working. You can't do judgement to the dummies (you can, but the quest is not finished). And: The Undead quest...