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  1. A

    NPCBots (How To) - EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4

    here the NPCbot mod that is use with trinitycore 3.3.5 this bot is very complete and update very often, here some of the feature you can do: change spec, assign role (tank,dps,heal, range), gear them and they stay with you until you demiss them, force...
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    NPCBots (How To) - EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4

    With emucoach repack I am not sure you can customize the look. under the table Character_npcbot, you have a column call Race, where you can change to what ever race you want, but the bot need to exist before you can change it. unlike the NPCBOT trickerer made for trinitycore 3.3.5, they have a...
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    [V12] - Archaeology some digsite broken

    [Location, Faction, Race]Zim'Rhuk digsite not working. all race/faction [Name, Type] [Problem Description] in the worldserver console, there are some error generate when doing some survey. this is only some example. ERROR [misc] ARCHAEOLOGY : digsite broken zone : 66 ERROR [misc] ARCHAEOLOGY ...
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    [V12] - On Our Own Terms - quest bug

    [Location, Faction, Race]The Briny Cutter (Vashj'ir), Alliance, Nightelf [Name, Type] Captain Taylor, Quest giver (Quest ID 25547) [Problem Description] after picking up the quest On Our Own Terms, we suppose to talk with the Captain Taylor, but there are no interation possible. the quest is...