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  1. R

    Alliance cannot catch fish in Orgrimmar?

    I am also having trouble fishing in Orgrimmar. The skill will increase, but I never catch anything. I can't progress the "No dumping allowed" fishing quest.
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    V18 Mage Blink Bug

    Awesome! :D
  3. R

    V18 Mage Blink Bug

    I also have the same problem with my mages. Is there a fix for this?
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    [GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

    @ExO , would you be able to update the images or create a Youtube video for this tutorial? I was trying to migrate my server from V13 to V13.1, but noticed that I need to images for steps that are like "Your setting should now look like this". Thanks a bunch for all that you do! :3
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    Cata 4.3.4 v13 - Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III quest bug

    [Location, Faction, Race] Silverpine Forest, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III, quest [Problem Description] Archmage Ataeric is no where to be found. [How it should work] He should be on the road in Ambermill casting a shield spell. The player would need to kill...
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    Cata 4.3.4 v13 - Coastal Delicacies! quest bug

    [Location, Faction, Race] Hillsbrad foothills, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Coastal Delicacies! , Quest [Problem Description] The spider doesn't eat the murlocs. [How it should work] After eat kill, the spider following you should eat the dead murloc.
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    Cata 4.3.4 v13 - Shadow Orbs not working correctly

    [Location, Faction, Race] Silverpine Forest, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Shadow Orbs, Ability [Problem Description] When I use Shadow word: Pain or Mind Flay, I never get a shadow orb. I tried this on a human and undead. [How it should work] I should have a 10% chance of getting a shadow orb...
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    Priest Shadow orbs bug V11

    Hello all. So I'm running v13 and the shadow orbs don't seem to show up on my undead shadow priest. Is this confirmed fixed at this point and did I install something incorrectly?
  9. R

    Fishing Bugged?

    I'm also getting the same bug. I noticed that if you fish in a pool of fish, you'll get stuff. But not just any body of water. Is there a fix for this?
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    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    Hello. I'm trying to get the free version to work and I keep getting an error saying that LIBEAY32.dll and SSLEAY32.dll was not found. Is there a place that I can find these? Edit: I found them. :3