Amazing the issues I raised were completely ignored. I dare say to get the experience they promise, you have to pay for the VIP version, feels like a bit of a scam to me.
Is this no longer being worked on? I ask because the issue I pointed out above hasn't been addressed. I understand people have lives and such but I was sort of hoping someone would have replied by now.
Anyway I also noticed in the Orc and Tauren starting areas there are quests that seem to be...
Hi, I'm using the latest free version and for some reason when I create a Goblin or a Worgen (class doesn't matter), and go to enter the world either during the opening cutscene or shortly after the world server crashes.
Every other race/class combination works fine it's just the Goblin and...
I need help I made the mistake of using the hearthstone on the lost isles not realising that it doesn't automatically set it to town-in-a-box like retail does and now i'm stuck in kezan and cant get back to where I was. Any idea what I can do to get back?
I was able to get back...
..::EDIT::.. This doesn't appear to be working for me. I did as you described but after a few seconds the client throws a fatal error. What gets me though is that what I got is supposed to be the full client so I'm not even sure why it needed to download anything in the first place. I'm...
I have done about 1/2 the Goblin staring zone and to say it is "well scripted" is a little generous. It is fairly buggy and several quests are buggy if not outright inaccessible. In saying that it is actually one of the better scripted Goblin starting areas I have played...