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  1. A

    Mini-Crashes / Connection losses

    Hello there, I am using the newest 4.3.4 VIP build (10.1) and run the server and a client on my system, and my girlfriend connects via LAN. Sometimes, my client loses connection, I get thrown back to the login screen, can login after waiting a few seconds (when I try to login immediately, it...
  2. A

    Ores / Herbs not giving XP (10.1)

    [Location, Faction, Race] Elwyn Woods / Westfall, Alliance, Human (female) - [also tested with female Nightelf in Nightelf starter region] [Name, Type] All ore and herb nodes [Problem Description] When gathering herbs / mining ores, you do no get experience points. [Side note: I had some strange...
  3. A

    Mining / Herbalism XP

    Hi there, I started a character with Mining profession on the lastest 4.3.4 VIP build (10.1), and noticed that I did not get XP for mining copper and tin in the starting location and westfall. However, going into Duskwood, I got XP from mining. I am not sure if every ore gives XP there, but...