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  1. Vistalgic

    Count To 2.000

  2. Vistalgic

    I did not, it was others that weren't able to join my server because they were using a different...

    I did not, it was others that weren't able to join my server because they were using a different client. If all of your servers are running well and you have an issue of not being able actually play but are able to see the realm list, make sure you use one if the recommended clients and...
  3. Vistalgic

    MoP Repack works for me, but not others, online issues

    Solved : they were using a different client than the recommended, once they used that client, they were able to get in.
  4. Vistalgic

    MoP Repack works for me, but not others, online issues

    Haven't done this stuff in a while, so I am a little rusty, but I believe I've done everything correctly and am not sure what else to do, unless the MoP Repack with playerbots is single player only? I'm able to play on the server just fine, but when others attempt to join, the realm says offline...
  5. Vistalgic

    4.3.4 client [Fast Way]

  6. Vistalgic

    How to fix: Cannot stream required archive data / WoW Error 134 for 4.3.4 Cataclysm

    Testing EDIT: How can I get this to work with a BFA / MoP client?
  7. Vistalgic

    Error 0xc0150002 on Authserver launch

    Using the Emucoach Legion Repack, haven't done this stuff in a while. Not sure why i'm getting this error, I've tried reinstalling VC++, replacing the dll's with 64 bit and 32 bit, making sure theres not a mix of the two each time. Not sure what else I can do.
  8. Vistalgic

    [Trinity] Vendors for 5.4.2/5.4.8 MoP

    Hello! I've been working on some vendors recently which have been a majority of my time so I figured I'd share them with you all! :D!VwhmwDSR!m8yCAbiBMfIDldFsnX3qR04h8Pr2x6jn9EZyHJTW1ao Vendor.rar includes 7 vendors : NPC ID's Prideful S15 Main Set Gear - 90005...
  9. Vistalgic

    [R/CC] Blood Elf Legion signature!

    Haven't done one of these in a while but here you guys go, feel free to rate and leave some constructive criticism! :) Original Render -
  10. Vistalgic

    Adding a certain quest to new Pandaren's?

    Is it possible to have it where whenever some makes a Pandaren, they'd be able to start with a certain quest without getting it from an npc? I looked around in the dbc / online but wasn't able to find anything about the topic.
  11. Vistalgic

    [R/CC] Warcraft III Signature

    Haven't done any GFX in a long while, but here's something I've created from boredom. Decided to try some new things, so let me know how I did! :p
  12. Vistalgic

    How can i make the .revive command heal fully?

    Is this possible to change in the db or anything of that sort? I just want to make it so that i'm able to heal my friends and give them full mana with a single .rev rather than just half of their health and mana.