Search results

  1. Level

    Item id 926019 for product id 7 defined in battle_pay_product_items doesn't exist, skipped! Item...

    Item id 926019 for product id 7 defined in battle_pay_product_items doesn't exist, skipped! Item id 926020 for product id 8 defined in battle_pay_product_items doesn't exist, skipped! is probably what issue you have, you need to delete the two entries in the battle_pay_product and corresponding...
  2. Level


  3. Level

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    After executing this SQL, opening the shop in game crashes the entire world server
  4. Level

    BlizzCMS Theme [ver.]

    Ty man!
  5. Level

    [5.4.x/5.4.8 Hack] WoW Admin Panel -- MOP

  6. Level

    [Azerothcore] [WOTLK] SoloFriendly Repack Reborn

    so what is reborn about this there is nothing new listed that would be diff than the old ones
  7. Level

    Playerbots damage extremely low

    Hey there, not sure if it's possible to change the playerbots damage or what, looks like they all have equipped a 100-160 range damage weapon, but they only seem to hit for about 5 per hit, and this is in the deadmines, is there any way to scale them? :O
  8. Level

    How to set guild rep to Exalted?

    Nevermind figured it out myself Lmfao
  9. Level

    Use Dungeon finder with less than 5 people

    Exactly the title, I have a small server for a lan that a max of lets say 2 or 3 players at a time, however obviously dungeon finder is not possible, is there any way to allow lower amounts of people to connect to eachother via the dungeon finder and start?
  10. Level

    TrinityCore World Server Daemon has stopped working

    The title exactly, I was running my server just fine. Ran into some sort of bug that made every NPC disappear so I thought restarting the server would fix it, however it did not and now my server will no longer startup anymore as it gives that error when I do. attached log: Using...