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  1. D

    [Solved] Npc vendor

    heey all, i was creating a npc today i made his flags and everything to a vendor but how do i make a loot table / vendor table were al the items are in that he sells. i couldnt find it in the database thanks for helping kind regards deathlyend
  2. D

    Instant 85 character

    hey all, is it possible to make like a instant 95 boos kind of like wow did or like the test server things to get a level 85 or 90 with gear already but need to setup the rest you self ? ty for reading this hope you know a answer for me kind regards deathlyend
  3. D

    Created items how to edit

    heey all, here iam again with a question. i have made a legendary dagger but i forgot to set up a spell id on for poisons now i wanted to edit this but the id isnt in the item template anymore where do i need to search for this . kind regards deathlyend
  4. D

    Talent Tree bug!

    hello all, i have noticed a bug with talen tree couldnt find it on the forunms so i post it . if i set up my talents it works all fine but when i log out all my talents are gone so i need to resetup them . kind regards deathlyend
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    Apache website

    Hello all here iam again but i was wondering if i could make it so that my friends can type my ipaddress in there webbrowser and then get on the website to register? iam not familiar with these kind of things i was already looking for configs but couldnt really find something kind regards...
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    Mysql connect

    heey all, i want to get connection to my mysql server so i dont need to use teamvieuwer al the time doesnt work that handy is it possible to make it so i can loggin with ip address instead of localhost so i can connect from my pc to that pc with the mysql on it. i have thos ports from mysql...
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    custom items and npc's

    heey every one i have a question about making custom npc and weapons ,armor normally i use to create custom items but i dont know what kind of ser ver this is and i tried all those script didnt work all got an error so iwanted to ask if some one of you guys can help me wih creating new...