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  1. K

    Eternion 4.0.6 Fun Repack

    Links are dead plz reupload them
  2. K

    Dk quest bug

    I found a bug at the dk starting area This quest Massacre At Light's Point I see the miner who will help me to get to the ship and I checked he has the script too only problem with the Mine car I cant do any action with it :(
  3. K

    Currency any command to add?

    I would like to ask a question about currency like justice points or valor points or conquest points or honor points There is any command to add some to a character?
  4. K

    Guild invite problem

    I have tried to invite somebody to my guild and I got a wow error. I have tried many times to see it was only a simple bug but not its always happen. Link
  5. K

    Problem with quests

    I have found this quest what is bugged. It can take it from westfall The objective is u have to go a mine's end and use the quest item what the quest gave to u but I am using and it said I have to be in the end and I am in the end but nothing happen -.-