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  1. G

    help with the data base

    well let me try to explain better, sorry if i cant, my english is not that good... :S well when you are playing in the game, you can see players that are online and in what zone they are at, i would like to do the same with my website, but i don't know where i can find that info in the DB...
  2. G

    help with the data base

    hi, i would like to know if there is in any place of the BD where the area that the player is, the name of that area. the reason is, the web i've made, i have an online info, where you can see how many people is at the server, and the players playing at the server, the level, and the area that...
  3. G

    how to do Two realms

    hi. i would like to know if it's posible to make to realms, and how to make it, because i would like to make two realms for my friends, one normal, and the other one with starting level high... thanks.
  4. G

    A few bugs in quest

    i found a couple of bugs in some of the missions, i hope i can get fixed. i will post more when i get to them. The goblin mission: give sassy the news, you can't finish the quest after doing everything you need. when its time to go to the boat, the "stairs" to go up the boat, didn't work at...