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  1. H

    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

  2. H

    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Could we get an update on Links since Mega changed their domain.
  3. H

    [FIRESTORM SOURCE LEAK] - 548/547 MOP - Based on Jadecore

    Firestorm is kinda crappy tho, ain't it?
  4. H

    MoP 5.4.8 DBC Editing

    So I have a lot of experience with DBC editing, but specifically 3.3.5a and previous, I've never edited anything past that, because I never cared for anything after WoTLK, however I do find myself wanting to try and edit 5.4.8 DBC Files. And try as I might I cannot find a 5.4.8 core...