Search results

  1. G

    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    then dont use it simple
  2. G

    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    the go into _Server\MySQL\bin\my.ini and set max_allowed_packet=64M and its fixed
  3. G

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    can you upload the files somewhere else mega sucks
  4. G

    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    thats because i set the max_allowed_packet in mysql too high so it sets it to the highest number of its no biggie
  5. G

    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    3.3.5 full client if anyone needs it
  6. G

    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    this is a AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack i compiled and added a few extras like autobalance,individual-xp,solocraft,solo-lfg,transmog. there is a transmog vendor in orgrimmar and in stormwind also a all in one class trainer. there is a Heirloom vendor at all starting zones horde and alliance. mysql...
  7. G

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    pandaren starting zone completely broken unplayable.
  8. G

    portable msql for my server

    i see alot of repacks with a msql built in where do i get an updated portable msql for my server?
  9. G

    Azerothcore 3.3.5 repack release

    Azerothcore 3.3.5 repack release this is my Azerothcore repack build. it has a few modules like mod-boss-announcer mod-customlogin mod-duelreset-master mod-learnspells mod-npccodebox mod-npcenchanter mod-reward-system mod-startguild mod-transmog-master mod-vasautobalance quest xp at 3x movement...
  10. G

    custom 3.3.5 maps

    does anyone have maps for wotlk that are like if you fly the dont bug out and disappear.or custom mpq patches that do the same?
  11. G

    pandaren faction fix

    ok can someone make a script so that when you make a pandaren you can talk to a npc and choose your faction strait away? trying to fix the starter quest and got burned out and frustrated so i need to find something better untill it can get fixed.
  12. G

    good 5.4.8 source (not a leak) just a good source

    ok this source is one of the best ive found to use it compiles good with no errors and it runs its not at 100% but its good a lot of quest work all classes work and a lot has been done to this it is not mine i did not make this so credits to cooler-SAI keep up the good work...
  13. G

    WoWSource V9 4.3.4
  14. G

    Sky548New source