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  1. Tytris

    Temporary Auctionhouse "Bot" for 5.4.8 Repack

    I know the first few times I used it was stressful on my server bit now it seems smooth. Running 60 fps currently.
  2. Tytris

    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    No prob man hope it all helps. Im just sharing what i use to fox my hiccups.
  3. Tytris

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    @Dread try adding items in game via the W logo in the bottom should work just fine.
  4. Tytris

    BlizzCMS Theme [ver.]

  5. Tytris

    Legion HTML Website [NO CMS]

  6. Tytris

    Temporary Auctionhouse "Bot" for 5.4.8 Repack

    For those having issues: Create an account AHBOT password AHBOT Login to the account and create the character and name it AHBOT In your worldserver config file change the account and GUID to reflect the character and AHBot will function.
  7. Tytris

    Temporary Auctionhouse "Bot" for 5.4.8 Repack Dread try this and see if it helps.
  8. Tytris

    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    How is it working for ya ?
  9. Tytris

    MoP 5.4.8 Getting Online.

    Edited due to fixing most of the issues, The only issue I am having now seems to be an issue with NOIp, I can access my website locally and via LAN by using Ip address however it can not be access outside of my network anyone have experience in this area ? I realize my ISP blocks :80 and...
  10. Tytris

    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    It mentions the source code merely as a way to see how that area has changed from version to version.
  11. Tytris

    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    no need to compile bud, copy those files into the interface folder and it should restore all the UIs
  12. Tytris

    Battle Shop UI issues

    The problem now is that when launching the store WorldServer closes and you get disconnected.
  13. Tytris

    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    Fix the UI issues with this:
  14. Tytris

    Battle Shop UI issues

    UI fixed using files from here:
  15. Tytris

    Battle Shop UI issues

    Hello all, hopefully I am posting this in the correct spot. I am currently running the MoP 5.4.8 Premium and have looked into expandong things in my real recently by "fleshing" out things in the store. The probpem that I seem to be running into appears to be a UI issues. I cannot launch from...
  16. Tytris

    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    Maybe I missed a step somewhere (possible), however I am getting an error where the UI isn't displaying. How do i resolve? Using 5.4.8 Premium.