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  1. nailz

    Github SPP Classics Discord?

    Did SPP still have a discord? found one on reddit but it seems the invitation link doesn´t work anymore. thanx mates
  2. nailz

    3.3.5 with working playerbots

    cheerz mate & thanks for your advice. I also use the SPP repack from github cause I am looking for a stable BC server with playerbots and a well populated environment. actually the repack gives all of this but unfortunately it also have random crashes. you said deleting the playerbots from DB...
  3. nailz

    [CMaNGOS] 2.4.3 Friendly Repack

    awesome, thank you!
  4. nailz

    strange client language issue after switching MoP repack version!

    cheerz guys! I use a german client, when I play MoP V2 repack the complete game is in german. really everything. if I use the same client but want to play MoP V4 repack, some things (npc names, some quest texts etc.) are suddenly english again. the client is 100% german. does anyone have an...
  5. nailz

    Launcher idea

    that would be really really cool dude. as TheGofa said it would make emucoach site unique.
  6. nailz


    there are advanced playerbots in mop repack and they are great af!
  7. nailz

    Count To 2.000

  8. nailz

    PQR MoP 5.4.8 (Best bot rotation)

    thanks for sharing. works like a charm! :)
  9. nailz

    Vanilla Repack - Light's Hope Based

    guys is there any option to use playerbots on lights hope repack? would be freaking awesome.
  10. nailz

    WoW 1.12.1 german client / german data and patch?

    I have read something a year ago about a completely german client for vanilla 1.12.1. you exchanged the .MPQ files in the data folder or something and then the client was completely in german or whatever language you wanted to have. does anyone have an idea or a link? would love to play...
  11. nailz

    Vanilla Repack - Light's Hope Based

  12. nailz

    Emucoach presents: New custom forum theme!

    love it good job boss!
  13. nailz

    Idea with Chat/Autobroadcast

    its definitely a great idea but probably not easy to implement. besides it is not necessary at the current state of repack and the focus should be on other stuff for now. devs are a small team and currently have enough on their list to do so we should be patient at the moment. i would support...
  14. nailz

    [Other] englich zu deutsch

    hast du dir wirklich die arbeit gemacht die fehler zu korrigieren?
  15. nailz

    Count To 2.000

  16. nailz

    [3.3.5, 4.3.4, 5.4.8] Enchant Script, Trinitycore, Enchant NPC

    very nice thanks for your work!
  17. nailz

    [Other] englich zu deutsch

    super, werde ich spaeter testen. trotzdem schon mal vielen dank fuer deine arbeit!!!
  18. nailz

    Count To 2.000

    dunno what we are doing here but wanna be a part of it. so 1254
  19. nailz

    [Other] englich zu deutsch

    Habs getestet und kann sowohl den aktuellen Stand als auch die Funktionalität bestätigen. Top Arbeit!