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  1. Iqipl

    I brought Cata server and crashes on startup

    Share it, Ill try if is it repack problem :-)
  2. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    All works for me. Try it again.
  3. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Savegames are located in two places in database. You account in acore_auth your characters in acore_characters
  4. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    The update works great, I finally downloaded it and if you follow the steps everything works. I don't know why the creator uploaded it to such a dubious repository that links to more and more sites. Anyway, you did something wrong. Try again following the instructions here: You have a lot of...
  5. Iqipl

    World Of Warcraft 9.1 ALPHA Repack By : KyrianCORE

    Im looking for help. Im trying this repack, all downloaded. There is need to run 3 files 1.Mysql - absolutly OK 2. Bnetserver - starts and stop working: 3. Worldserver - same as "2" edit: problem was different port inside world and auth config. Need to set there 3306
  6. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Before you updated the server. Did you run it? Did it work? Have you tried any other repack besides this one? This repack is made simply. You download it, unzip it into a folder, run MYsql, Authserver, worldserver and it simply works. I see the problem is that you are simply missing something...
  7. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Just update all Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages. It is majority problem of all problems with world crashing. Im not sure which version, just try download all. Install from oldest to newest vcredist_x86 and vcredist_x64 all of them. It will work, you will see :-) Btw can you...
  8. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    I want to update your repack on your site: when I click on the Update 081223-1518 link it sends me to...
  9. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

  10. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Look at modules in database. path: Azoreoth core\configs\modules\
  11. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Hello, I appreciate your work, I would like to ask if there are plans to start operating other batlegrounds as well. I love Eye of the Storm. Furthermore, I experienced on the SPP project from Conan that in the case of visiting a dungeon alone, the life of all NPCs decreases. Are you planning...
  12. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    You must connect to database through program like Navicat or Sqlyog. There you create new connection to running database and log in with (root, ascent). Open acore_world column item_template. Find your item you want to change and in column "stackable" change amount.
  13. Iqipl

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Hi, when you start database, just write commands to world window. type: .account create $account $password