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  1. K

    Create NPC Loot

    Hello, I have a problem with one of the side quests I am trying to fix here, and with that being said, I need to figure out where in the database I can set an item to be lootable from a NPC that isn't lootable or not being able to be looted and add a certain item to that loot of the NPC
  2. K

    FusionCMS 500 Internal Server Error

    Hello, Im running emucouch and trying to also run fusioncms and I continuesly am running into this problem I can not figure out why it will not work I try to install it and it takes me to this page instantly and wont let me access the website saying 500 internal server error clearly nobody wants...
  3. K

    FROST | 4.3.4 | Blizzlike x3 Cataclysm | v6.1 Release!

    FROST REALM OFFICIAL LAUNCH x3 Blizzlike Server We are more then excited to announce the launch of our Server. We have been working on this for about a month now. after a long awaited period of time we have finally found a release version of our server that we are satisfied with making public...
  4. K

    Quest Not Working Need Auto Complete Code! Please Look!

    That you it means alot :) It worked but my question is how can I make it autocomplete for people? and I looked up the quest and found that there are 2 quests with the same name for some reason on my list... I don't know what thats about take a look It says there are 2 "Charging Into Battle"...
  5. K

    Quest Not Working Need Auto Complete Code! Please Look!

    Hello, I am running into an issue with the quest "Charging The Battle" On my Catalysm server I got from Deathwings Madness It will not detect any of the things I do here are a few screenshots Me attacking a dummy using "Charge" as the quest requests. Me attacking a battle wrog and it still...