Search results

  1. Jinz

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    When I set up my server, I had to change the IP in the world/auth configs. Have you done that?
  2. Jinz

    What is the most unique WoW Private Server you've seen?

    Although I've never played it, Ascension WoW seems interesting. Removing classes and earning abilities/spells as you level is a pretty neat idea.
  3. Jinz

    What was your first experience with WoW private server?

    Quit retail in 2014, came back a year later to find that WoD was garbage - always wanted to try a WotLK server but never thought much of it, decided to go for it when retail wasn't cutting it.
  4. Jinz

    Which patch do you prefer?

    WotLK, MoP and Cata - in that order.
  5. Jinz

    At what age did you start playing computer games?

    The earliest I remember is playing the original Roller Coaster Tycoon in 1999.
  6. Jinz

    Best looking NPC in WoW

    Valeera Sanguinar.
  7. Jinz

    Аrе Wоrld оf Wаrсrаft Рrіvаtе Ѕеrvеrs Lеgаl?

    Blizzard cares more about protecting Warden than they do World of Warcraft.