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  1. D

    4.3.4 Emucoach Repack Error

    Yes, I mean a good server to have fun with friends sometimes, So that the server when 5 -10 people flow does not fall and does not shut down as this free version dies and disappears
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    4.3.4 Emucoach Repack Error

    Yes, I mean a good server to have fun with friends sometimes, So that the server when 5 -10 people flow does not fall and does not shut down as this free version dies and disappears
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    I will come in the evening my friend, Before that my kids are sitting
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    ok friend , i send you request, accept. my discord name is beglara#9294
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    russ>.language i sou sou understand english. i sou sou bad understand english but you understand my problems? what i say you friend 4.3.4 repack. I downloaded this server from this site, I turn on the server itself, but when I start the game and about to log in, it starts trying but cannot log...
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    i use googl translite sorry for my english server pack is runing, its all ok , but i can't login in game, It seems like a spinner should enter the game but it still pushes me back, disconnected If you can work with a specific link you can download from
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    I created one topic and no one gave me an answer, what is the meaning of Akhazli topic? I run the downloaded server from here but the game client does not allow it, I created this theme and not a single person wrote anything that could be!
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    connection problem. help me

    4.3.4 Version of the Cataclysm I downloaded 5 files from this forum three days ago, I run the server but the rest of what I wrote above comes in handy. I want this version normal but I could not see it anywhere unfortunately :( I downloaded this version of the game itself, some WoW434_mini (1)...
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    connection problem. help me

    Whatever topic I wrote above I downloaded the server from this link, I guess from this link there is no problem whether this cataclysm server is updated somewhere, This is what I downloaded in 2014. I apologize again for my poor English
  10. D

    connection problem. help me

    hello. 4.3.4 SERVER repack downloaded from this site. i have problem with login in< authserver.conf <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RealmServerPort # Description: TCP port to reach the auth server. # Default: 3724 RealmServerPort = 3724 # # # BindIP #...
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    [3.3.5, 4.3.4, 5.4.8] Item Request NPC, request an item here

    And will this help the game that I can not enter?
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    Sorry for my poor English. Well, I'll go home and do it, But other servers that I had I just wrote to IP addresses and ran normally, Well thank you, what am I wondering and will my friends be able to enter? Will they have to do the same if they just change the realmist on the playing field? And...
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    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    Ok good its work, Sory my bad english, Now for the second problem, The server is running on 8085, 3724 port also sits properly, Other servers I was working on were coming in with friends, Now the server is running and I can not get inside! Connects and sticks and does a disconnect shortly All...
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    4.3.4 Emucoach Repack Error

    Ok, very good,. Sorry english my very bad i translit its google. And what do I need to do to get folks a better server
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    i am starting private server , 4.3.4 evrithing is going well , but wen i go in gaming wow client conected and canot go in game my ip in raalmlist lochal computer ,,, server in 8085 port LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth" WorldDatabaseInfo =...
  16. D

    [3.3.5, 4.3.4, 5.4.8] Item Request NPC, request an item here

    i am starting private server , 4.3.4 evrithing is going well , but wen i go in gaming wow client conected and canot go in game my ip in raalmlist lochal computer ,,, server in 8085 port LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth" WorldDatabaseInfo =...
  17. D

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    help plz MSVCP100.dll was not faund how it instal im download its file and how its install correctly
  18. D

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    It would be great if you could add files or post instructions on how to make friends register from the site, thank you very much
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    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    Hello, I am your new member too! My English is not good I apologize. It is interesting that I will be happy to test this server and I hope there will not be many mistakes, I want to play with my friends on my own server, Thank you very much