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  1. K

    I'm very new to this and need some help.

    You need to go into the database and change your account to level 9, or lower the level required for the commands you want to use (changing your account level is easier unless you have multiple adimns and want some of them to be limited. This thread should give basic instructions...
  2. K

    Multiboxing help

    I have used keyclone and the jamba addon to multibox for years, can't remember if I started before or after wrath launched in retail the first time around. I haven't used levelbuddy, so i don't know now they compare. Keyclone is $20 for a lifetime license, I'm told that hotkeynet is free, but...
  3. K

    Sleeping with or without background noise?

    I tend to prefer moderate predictable noise, but I can sleep in the quiet or noisy environments (truck stop for example)
  4. K

    [Other] Darkmoon Faire

    If you go back to early 2019 it's in the calendar, and if you change the system date and restart your server it will appear.