Search results

  1. Peet

    No quests after Up to the Citadel

    [Location, Faction, Race]Twilight Highlands - at a tower near The Twilight Citadel - Alliance quest side [Name, Type] NPC: Mathias [Problem Description] After you complete up to the citadel you should get more quests like Just you and Mathias etc. but Mathias is just standing there and won´t...
  2. Peet

    Following the Young Home

    [Location, Faction, Race] Twilight Highlands, quest giver: Lirastrasza and the quest plays in Obisidan Forest [Name, Type] Quest: following the young home [Problem Description] there are no eggs where you can put the mothers flame on ID: 63126 [How it should work] There should be eggs that you...
  3. Peet


    [Location, Faction, Race]The Maw of Madness after killing the brain of Iso'rath [Name, Type] Quest: Nightmare [Problem Description] The gryphcon you mount to exit the maw of madness is just standing and not flying and attacking everything down there. [How it should work] The gryphon flys back to...
  4. Peet

    If You´re not against us

    [Location, Faction, Race] Mount Hyal - grove of assenia [Name, Type] Quest: If youre not against us (Quest) [Problem Description] Blackthorn isn´´t spawning, there is nothing there, it should goes like this when you get near [How it should work] Blackthorn should spawn when you get near the...
  5. Peet

    Get Me Outta Here!

    For all those wondering, workarround quest type in .quest complete [the quest] by sharing it in the chat command
  6. Peet

    Get Me Outta Here!

    [Location, Faction, Race] Mount hyjial shrine of goldrinn in the caves there by the ogres. [Name, Type] Quest Get me Outta here from the NPC Kristoff [Problem Description] The quest is bugged, after accepting the quest Kristoff isn´t following you, even when outside the quest wont finish, you...
  7. Peet

    On our own terms

    [Location, Faction, Race]Vashj´ir - Kelpthar Forest [Name, Type] On our own terms [Problem Description] after accepting Captain Taylor is not phasing right. He just stands there and you can’t do the quest, So you can’t quest further it’s one of the starter quests you need in that zone (critical...