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  1. alanoi201

    [MoP 4.1] Regular Crashing Still

    You are breaking your head, with windows version, crash and the same core. There are errors that make the server go down that I have already reported
  2. alanoi201

    [V4] Tons of Crashing - Super Unstable

    Me waiting for corrections and nothing, server doesn't stop online
  3. alanoi201

    Urgent Server Crash Bug

    There is a lot of crashing, and the release version prevents us from checking for errors and reporting
  4. alanoi201

    worldserver crash upon toon load

    Put the fly instant will solve, More need to solve the player, to avoid future crashes do this.
  5. alanoi201


    It has this fix, I can say, a problem that there was no mop update released for us
  6. alanoi201


    I've already fixed the autobroadcast, but it should update in v3, it's no use error is in the source
  7. alanoi201

    Thunder throne

    These mines on the ground, they now on players to death - raid siege flex -
  8. alanoi201

    Thunder throne

    >>> heart of fear The hurricanes are chasing players, it seems to be in almost every npc raid mechanic, pleasing players.
  9. alanoi201

    Thunder throne

    After a few wipes the boss has no option to attack - horridon
  10. alanoi201


    I have this fix I will send the team
  11. alanoi201

    MoP VIP 5.4.8 - Repeatedly Crashing

    1- Passive lunar eclipse crash - druid 2 - Login some players crashes 3 - First Crash Siege Boss My partner is in the hospital very badly with covid, if he couldn't help more Some bots when changing maps crash
  12. alanoi201

    mmaps server error log.

    Yes and it causes random crashes
  13. alanoi201

    Rekkul <Poison Supplies> V15 UPDATE INTO `npc_vendor` VALUES (3334, 0, 2892, 0, 0, 0, 1); UPDATE INTO `npc_vendor` VALUES (3334, 0, 2893, 0, 0, 0, 1); UPDATE INTO `npc_vendor` VALUES (3334, 0, 3775, 0, 0, 0, 1); UPDATE INTO `npc_vendor` VALUES (3334, 0, 5237, 0, 0, 0, 1); UPDATE INTO...
  14. alanoi201

    Echo of sylvanas - in End Time (v13.1)

    Hi It also gave this freezing in sylvanas and there were only people in it at that time
  15. alanoi201

    Quest Broken Serpent Figurine - v14

    [Location, Faction, Race] Durotar - Orgrimmar - HORDE - undead wizard, female [Name, Type] Quest 28775 [Problem Description] NPC does not accept the quest. [How it should work] The npc should accept after item collection
  16. alanoi201

    V14 - ZulFarrak - Dustwraith and LBRS - Urok DoomHowl

    Thanks I found this problem
  17. alanoi201

    [Repacks]The strongest 434 dungeon mission is fully restored

    Hi the spells classes have a cast delay Example priest, mage