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  1. B

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    could it be something to do with the newer RAM cards? would it work differently on older ones?
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    WRobot crack for 4.3.4

    Hey, im not sure if im even allowed to request this, but ill give it a shot. Ive been looking for a cracked version of Wrobot, but there is only one for WOTLK/MOP/Legion, wich skips cata. Does anyone know if there is one available for cata?
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    Working HonorBuddy [4.3.4]

    anyone managed to fix the issue with the memory, causing disconnects?
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    Working HonorBuddy [4.3.4]

    this might have been asked before, but is it different to Likon69's release?
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    thank you for the reply, i think i know the reason for that (just guessing though). i think that whitemane will kick you if you spam action/commands. for example, there is an addon that can spam guild invites, and if you spam it quickly, it will kick you. i would assume that HB does something...
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    WoW Admin Panel [CRACKED] [7.x]

  7. B

    Wrobot (with auth bypass) for 5.4.8

    any chance this would work for cata as well?
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    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    anyone able to verify if its detectable in whitemane?